furnify Your Workspace: High Quality Furniture & Best Value

Author: Brendon Coxell

  1. 5 Reasons Why Office Meeting Pods are an Investment

    5 Reasons Why Office Meeting Pods are an Investment Every organisation knows the importance of a hybrid workplace, an office designed to provide employees with various spaces and ways to work. When office workers can choose where to work on specific tasks, their productivity increases. Office meeting pods, work pods and phone booths fit perfectly into the hybrid workplace model. There may be private... Read more...
  2. Hybrid Third Spaces to aid Open Offices

    Hybrid Spaces in offices are flexible third spaces that enable users to work more flexibly. These spaces can be both fixed and unfixed. Open-plan offices are becoming more and more prevalent across the world. They offer so many benefits to both employers and employees, and they are also way more functional if you have a continually evolving ... Read more...
  3. Office Pods as a Client Facing Solution

    Office Pods are not only a great way to block out distractions and keeping employees focused. They can also help businesses curb COVID-19. Here’s how… We’re proud of how Office Pods have helped to transform the workplace, providing small enclosed places for meeting, conversation and collaboration, wherever businesses need them... Read more...
  4. The End of the Open Office?

    How COVID-19 has changed the way we work. The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way we have all been working since March 2020. The great 'work from home' experiment, as it has been coined, has sent thousands of workers out of the office and to the sofa. The question everybody is asking is, what changes have to be made to make it safe to return ... Read more...
  5. Workplace Evolution is in VetroSpace GroupSpace Pods

    Microsoft is redesigning the way they work by bringing modular focus pods and phone booths to their team spaces. Collaborative open-plan offices are great for teams working on the same project, but they can get really annoying for everyone else. Noise and interruptions are the status quo, while concentration, productivity, and quality output take a... Read more...
  6. A Guide to Acoustics in the Workplace

    The soundscape refers to the audible component of the acoustic environment that can be perceived by our hearing. With everyone being unique, sounds are experienced in different ways, and therefore we all have varied opinions on what might be considered noisy or disturbing... Read more...

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